How the heck do you load a game on DOSbox??? I%26#039;ve tried following directions that look like this:
DOSBox will give you a text prompt where you enter commands.
Now, find the directory containing the game you want to play. For example, lets say the game is in C:\myoldgame
In DOSBox, type:
mount c c:\myoldgame\
This will set the c:\myoldgame directory as the C drive in DOSBox.
Now, in DOSBox, type C:
This will change the directory to your game directory.
You can type dir to get a list of the files.
Your game should have a .exe executable file. Type that file in DOSBox and it will run your program.
but everytime I try this it says the location doesn%26#039;t exist. How does this work????|||Which command gets you the %26quot;location doesn%26#039;t exist%26quot; error?