Saturday 4 June 2011

Command Prompt???

How do you change the current directory in command prompt?

I mean, when you open the cmd prompt, you are by default in C:\documents and settings\username.

I want to go to C:\ only. So, what do I command the prompt?

Thanks!|||Typing in %26quot;cd ..%26quot; takes you up one directory (so from C:\Documents and Setting\Username to C:\Documents and Settings).

%26quot;cd [dirname]%26quot; takes you to that directory. To go to straight to c just type %26quot;cd c:\%26quot;. %26quot;dir%26quot; will list the contents of the current directory.

For more info on each, type in %26quot;help cd%26quot; or %26quot;help dir%26quot;.|||right click the command prompt and click on run as and then just click ok ... that should work|||cd is the command to change directories.

cd c:\

will get you to the root of the c directory.|||cd \|||use this command:

cd C:

cd stands for change directory and C: tells cd what directory to change to (in this case the root C:)|||you can easily access command prompt by typing %26quot;cmd%26quot;

to run bar|||Use the old DOS prompt


Good luck.|||cd \ = takes you to the root


C:\documents and settings\username


(returns) c:

using periods takes you down one dir


C:\documents and settings\username


(returns) C:\documents and settings