Saturday 4 June 2011

Unix&Liunx) .cshrc?

How can I set up the %26#039;.cshrc%26#039; as below ?

When I set that up , Could you please show me the result ?

D. Create a duplicate of your current %26quot;.cshrc%26quot; file; Open 2nd connection to SJU48; edit %26quot;.cshrc%26quot; with VI:

i. Clean up unwanted and obsoleted entries such as lpath, extra aliasesand comment-out lines

ii. Correct environment variables as appropriate, in particular, PATH, MANPATH, most importatnt function keys

such as ERASE, INTERRUPT, STOP, SUSPEND, EOF and KILL; creat your favoriate aliases; add variable

such as tabs, umask, filec, tty, noclobber, and history et al. set your prompt so it will display (minimum the following)

your login-name, hostname (system name) and current working directory.

iii. Save your changes; execute command %26quot;source ~/.cshrc%26quot; or equivalentin other shell to configure the file

iv. if no error after execution, you are ok; otherwise, repeate steps ithrough iii until no errorv.

customize your .bash_profile in a way similar to above for .cshrc|||Example here鈥?/a>