Saturday 4 June 2011

This is a computer aps test people plz help! i have permision to use any resorce...?

ok then im relying on the smart guys and girls out there( like i normally do on yahoo) but lets get started answer plz with the number next to the answer... and believe me my future is litarally in youre hands...

1. what might you want to use a starup disk for?

2. describe how to change the boot process.

3.why would u want to change the boot process?

4. what catagories of information are available in MSD?

5. how would you go about loading MSD to yuore hard disk?

6. wgat is mmicrosoft diagnosis utility?

7. list three ways to create a windows 98 boot disk

8.list and describe three command line prompts other than in question 9 and 10.

9. what happens if you use command dir /w?

10. what happens if you use command dir /p?

11. what command do you use to delete a file?

12. describe the defference between xcopy and diskcopy commands.

13. what information can u gather usingFDisk?

14. what are two types of partitions?

15. what must you do before you can delete and extended partition?

16. what must you do before you delete an primary partition?

17. where can u give a partition a dive lable?

18. what is the difference between a custom instalation and a typical instalation?

19. when would it be best to perform a custom instalationof a operating system?

20. list 2 added controls you have performing a custom custom install rather than a tyiceal install?

21. what website do u go to to update windows?.....

22. where can u find the details to what version u are downloading?

23. why dose microsoft need to examine your system before displaying update files?

24. list 2 ways to access device manager.

25. what tab in the properties dialog box do u use to update a driver?

26. why might u want to use an old driver?

27. which control panel applet do u use to enable password protection for a screen saver in windows 98?

28. in windows 98 which controll panel applet is used to install new windows comonents?


what catagory of components is desktop wallpaper part of in windows 98?

30. when formating a disk, what command can u use to make a floppy disk a boot disk?

31. if u have a flopy disk what other command can u use to transfer system files to the floppy disk?

32. list five things you should check before starting the instalation or upgrade process of the operating system?

33. how can u find out if your video card will work with windows 2000?

34. what step is critical in upgrading to ensure you dont lose important data during instalation?

35. what step can u take to speed up the actual instalation process?

36. what directory in windows 2000 contains the files needed to set up windows 2000 support tools?

37. what windows 2000 support toolv offers information about all other support tools?

38. explain how to compile a list of devices installed on your system in windows XP?

39. how are devices grouped in device manager in windows XP?

40. what is HCL?|||WOW! You have 40 questions for a test, and you want us to answer every single last one for you?

Asking someone else to do your work for you is NOT a %26quot;resource%26quot;. A resource might be a %26quot;google%26quot; search or a dictionary, or a reference manual. But asking other people to do your work FOR you is NOT a resource! That%26#039;s called %26quot;CHEATING!%26quot;|||We%26#039;re not going to do your work for you. You%26#039;ll never learn anything that way..