Saturday 4 June 2011

How would you create the following batch file??? Exact commands please.?

Using Window%26#039;s Vista as the Operating System. How would you create a batch file to do the following:

* change the console color to blue text on a white background

* change the prompt to include the date and a greater than sign

* change the title to CISC105

* set the working directory to My Documents (using %userprofile% environmental variable in the path)

* create a new directory in My Documents, called %26quot;homework%26quot;

* display the directory listing of the subdirectories in the My Documents directory|||In Windows Vista it%26#039;s called %26#039;Documents%26#039; but in Windows XP it%26#039;s called %26#039;My Documents%26#039; but you specified %26#039;My Documents%26#039; so here%26#039;s the batch file for that:

@echo off

echo @echo off%26gt;c.bat

echo color F1%26gt;%26gt;c.bat

echo set prompt=%%date%%$G%26gt;%26gt;c.bat

echo title CISC105%26gt;%26gt;c.bat

echo set home=%userprofile%\ My Documents%26gt;%26gt;c.bat

echo cd %userprofile%\My Documents%26gt;%26gt;c.bat

echo mkdir %26quot;Homework%26quot;%26gt;%26gt;c.bat

echo echo --------------------------------%26gt;%26gt;c.bat

echo echo Sub-Directories in My Documents:%26gt;%26gt;c.bat

echo echo --------------------------------%26gt;%26gt;c.bat

echo echo.%26gt;%26gt;c.bat

echo dir /a:d /b | more %26gt;%26gt;c.bat

echo goto :eof%26gt;%26gt;c.bat

cmd /k c.bat