Saturday 4 June 2011

Linux questions?

first question. im trying to install sauebraten. how do i do this? links would be nice.

second people keep saying %26quot;in the terminal change the directory to scr/%26quot; or other directories. how do i change the directory?

third. im very new to linux. i just installed it last night. is there other stuff i need to install first i.e. openGL/openAL or anything? if so what and in what order if the order matters? (links would be pleasant if you have them :) ).

fourth when i type sudo `command` it prompts me for password...but i cant type the pass word...i cant type anything i try pressing keys and nothing happens...were there some steps that i skipped in the initial setup of my linux.

fifth. i have super karamba. i finally got it installed...but it doesnt work . i install stuff and click %26quot;add to desktop%26quot; but it doesnt show up on my desktop...what am i doing wrong.

sorry for having so many questions...its just im very new to linux and i am completely lost and overwhelmed.

someone please help me|||1) apt-get install sauerbrauten

2) open a console use terminal or konsole from menu..

then, in dir, type %26quot;cd scr%26quot; BUT SCR MUST UNDER HOME... u must type full path to scr like %26quot;cd /usr/scr%26quot;..

3) apt-get libopenal openal etc... opengl only is able for supported cards, like intel, but nvidia and ati should down modules.. : apt-get install nvidia-kernel-module, diownload from or

4) install next time a real working linux like debian or VENENUX, not a trash!

5) u must able at kicker applets or desktop.. depent of ur KDE version...!!!

more usefully u mailme see at|||I just checked and saurbraten is an %26quot;out of the box%26quot; installation for Ubuntu, using synaptic|||1. i have no idea

2. the change directory command is cd so type cd scr (enter)

3. i assume youre running ubuntu, and if youre not then you can specify, but in ubuntu thats installed out of the box (openGL)

4. the password is hidden, just type it in and hit enter

5. are you using kde or gnome? (gnome has applications, places, and system on the top left) thats for kde only, if youre using gnome, try gdesklets

welcome to linux, and enjoy :D|||u must use sycnaptics or kpackage, for install the game, or see for games 3D shoters

openal and opengl are instled if u have internet conection, this will be instaled by defualt when install the game (if the game is a .deb file or request by apt)

enable opengl depends of u card, only nvidia, intel and ati are suported at 100%, via are poor suported, sis only support 630/300, voddoo and some matrox! modules u must download from oficial linux disrto usin sycnaptics or kpackage

sudo requieres password for root, the good of sistem, by defualt it no show nothint at typing!

superkaramba requieres KDE and u must specify KDE version, also u must enable at kicker apples menu!
